Monday, April 16, 2012


This week at La Roca we gave the kids the option to buy churros and juice boxes for 1 lempira each during recess. We were all surprised when Clorinda came in with 80 lempiras worth of coins from her piggy bank, and she wanted to use it all on churros and juice for the week. We didn’t quite understand why she wanted over ten bags of chips and juice boxes each day, but we let her go for it. It wasn’t until the next day that we realized the motive behind her order…

Clorinda walked happily out of her classroom clutching her ten churros and ten juice boxes. She went up to her classmates one by one and offered them snacks out of her stash. We already knew that Clorinda had a sweet heart, but in that moment we realized how big it really was. It made us so happy to see that Clorinda made her own decision to be generous, and we hope that her classmates learned something from her example.

We were the original surprised ones, but I think Clorinda walked away even more surprised. Although she was not expecting anything in return, we wanted to bless her for her kindness, so we bought her a new piggy bank and filled it with more money than she originally had.

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