The last time I posted something on my blog I mentioned the school I started and the teachers. Things are going well with the school and we are finally building 3 classrooms for the students to be in separate spaces, instead of 3 corners in the same big room! God has provided the money to put up wall, the roof, and the floor; as well as a group that came down to help start the construction! The next part of the project is the dividing walls for each room, putting in doors and windows and electricity. It’s been exciting to see God provide for all of these projects.
Another area of growth is in the mentoring group. I am building relationships with these kids and spend lots of time getting to know them and hear their stories. The cool thing about mentoring youth is that it spreads out to friends and family. When youth are on fire for God, they have more energy and passion. I had the opportunity to take some of them to the Youth for Christ camp a few weeks ago, 5 hours away. It was an awesome experience for all of us!
Since December I have had an intern, Christ den Hollander, here working with me in all my ministries. Chris has helped with the construction, teaching English, and been involved in the mentoring and dump ministries. His help has made it easier to get things done; two people are better than one. I’m blessed to have him here for these 3 months.
The dump ministry is also taking place a few times a week. Recently we have seen a growth in the number of people because of the organized crime in the city. More homeless people are leaving the center of the city to avoid the gangs. We still go to the center city on Sunday nights to do a feeding program and share the Gospel, but now there are more people in the city dump.
I plan to send out a newsletter this next month with more updates. Thank you for your prayers and support of Youth for Christ in Tegucigalpa.